
.NET Usergroup Frankfurt 17. März : Redgate Special for SQL Server Devs

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.NET Usergroup Frankfurt 17. März : Redgate Special for SQL Server Devs

Dienstag, 17. März 2015 18:30 - 22:00
Redgate Special for SQL Server Devs
Grant Fritchey (

What to look for in Execution Plans

You’ve heard often enough that you need to look at execution plans to understand what’s going on with a query. But what are you supposed to look at? This session answers that question, providing a step-by-step set of considerations for evaluating your execution plans.

We’ll look at the aspects of an execution plan that should be immediately checked, see why you should look at them, and walk through what to do about what you find. You’ll be able to put all this information into immediate use when you return to the office. And you can apply this guidance to your SQL Server 2012 systems as well as older versions of SQL Server.

Get your database under control

Developers don’t even question the need for source control as part of their application life cycle management. But DBAs and database developers just don’t look at their databases in the same way as code. However, if you want to get good coordination between your application code and database, if you want to start to automate your database deployments, you need to treat your database like code. This session will demonstrate different mechanisms for getting a database into source control in order to begin to control your database in the same way you control your code.

Das Treffen wird als Gemeinschaftsveranstaltung mit der PASS Deutschland e.V. Regionalgruppe Rhein/Main durchgeführt und der Vortrag wird in englischer Sprache gehalten.

Im Anschluss an den Vortrag geht es wie gewohnt zum Networking ins Brauhaus. Dort gibt es bei einem kühlen Getränk und leckeren Speisen die Gelegenheit für vertiefende Gespräche und weiteren Austausch.

Der Beginn für das Meeting ist wie immer um 18:30 Uhr, bitte um 18:15 anwesend sein.

Veranstaltungsort ist die Geschäftsstelle von Microsoft in Bad Homburg, Siemensstrasse 27.

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