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Forenbeiträge von MagicAndre1981 Ingesamt 906 Beiträge

31.08.2011 - 22:00 Uhr

man muss nur den MS Blog lesen dort steht es drin:

However, add-ins will not be able to plug into the ribbon UI. This was a difficult engineering choice for us and we expect that many of you will read this and suggest we add the capability

Gut dass ich den Explorer eh nicht mehr nutze und stattdessen einen richtigen Filemanager. Das Ding ist seit Windows 2000 mit jeder Version mehr kaputt gemacht wurden. Die Ribbons sind der "Oberknaller". Da wird der wenige vertikale Platz den man hat noch durch die viel zu großen Ribbons nochmals verkleinert. Und das soll die Verbesserung sein? Na dann viel Spaß bei den Leuten mit 1366*768 Pixeln, die ja die große Masse der Nutzer sind (einfach mal auf das Diagramm im Blog schauen). Da wird man gezwungen die Ribbons auszublenden. Und wo ist dann der Vorteil? Der Knaller ist das Video zum Thema VHD/ISO. Da gibts in dem Ribbon 2 Befehle!!!!!. Wozu dann einen Ribbon?

Da ist das VS mit den Andockbaren Fenstern an der Seite besser. Bei dem vielen horizontalen Platz den man dank Widescreen Displays hat fällt es da nicht ins Gewicht. Übrigens war das das Argument vom IE9 Team, die Tabs neben die Adressleiste zu packen. Sie haben erkannt, dass mehr Platz in die Breite verfügbar ist als in der Höhe. Nur das Explorer Team sieht das mal wider ganz anders. Einfach nur lustig, dass jedes Team bei den gleichen Daten zu anderen Erkenntnissen ommt und alles entgegengesetzt baut 😄

Und Tabs würden dem Explorer auch gut tun.

In Zukunft sollte MS extra Grafiker für die Oberfläche einstellen, das wird sonst nichts.

31.08.2011 - 21:41 Uhr

dann zippe alle Log-Dateien und lad sie hoch, damit wir drüber schauen können

23.08.2011 - 19:33 Uhr

nochmal, es gibt nur 1 Lösung. ALS X86 kompilieren, da es KEINEN 64BIT JET 4.0 Provider gibt.

22.08.2011 - 13:38 Uhr

danke, nun noch ein NuGet Package und ich bin glücklich. NuGet ist das beste was ist seit langen bei .Net gibt. Aktuell muss man sich deine Version laden, sie in seinem eigenen Projekt in einem Ordner einfügen sowie in die Versionskontrolle packen. Mit NuGet kann man sich das alles sparen.

20.08.2011 - 17:56 Uhr

Bitte die Suche nutzen!

Du musst das Programm als x86 anstatt von AnyCPU compilieren, da es keinen 64Bit Jet 4.0 Provider gibt.

19.08.2011 - 15:45 Uhr

das bedeutet Zugriff verweigert. Du musst die CMD.exe als Admin ausführen

18.08.2011 - 13:39 Uhr

das klappt bei mir problemlos. Hast du sie in das System32 Verzeichnis kopiert?

28.07.2011 - 19:32 Uhr

Release Information

Work on 4.1 started (as usual) before completion of the previous version - thus we have a few nice features for you in this Beta release. Especially if you are into NuGet, this version will be for you!

News by Area

NuGet: NuGet 1.4 support, PowerShell console, Project templates

T4: Templates in SharpDevelop

Debugger-related: Memory pad, Debugger visualizers, Pinned datatips, Parallel stacks, Break at first line of exection

Web Development: IIS Express, ASP.NET Web sites

Misc: Diff margin, SDR 4.1

SharpDevelop 4.1 Beta


28.07.2011 - 14:08 Uhr

Code First Migrations: August 2011 CTP Released

Back in April we announced the release of Entity Framework 4.1 (EF 4.1). The most consistent request we have heard from you since releasing EF 4.1 has been for a migrations solution for Code First that will incrementally evolve the database schema as you model changes over time. Today we are announcing the release of our first Community Technical Preview (CTP) of our Code First Migrations work.

This initial CTP is primarily focused on the developer experience inside of Visual Studio. We realize this isn’t the only area in which migrations is important and our team is also working on scenarios including team build, deployment and invoking migrations from outside of Visual Studio as well as from custom code.

You may be wondering why we are releasing the ‘August 2011 CTP’ in July 2011… we were so eager to get the release in your hands we ended up shipping early!

This initial CTP is available via NuGet as the EntityFramework.SqlMigrations package.

Prerequisites & Incompatibilities

Migrations is dependent on EF 4.1 Update 1, this updated release of EF 4.1 will be automatically installed when you install the EntityFramework.SqlMigrations package.

Issues & Limitations

We really wanted to get your feedback early in the release cycle so this CTP hasn’t been polished and isn’t a complete set of the features we intend to ship.

Some known issues, limitations and ‘yet to be implemented’ features include:

** :::

**There is no provider model, this release only targets SQL Server**, including SQL Azure. SQL Compact and other providers are not supported. We are currently working through what the provider model should look like for migrations.  
**All existing tables will be re-built during first migration**. The components we are using for schema comparison are overly sensitive to things such as ANSI_PADDING. This often results in tables being rebuilt when you swap to using migrations to maintain the schema. We are working on removing this behavior.  
Extra database constructs, such as indexes, can not be added in custom scripts. If you add an index in a custom script it will be removed by the next automatic upgrade. This is a limitation of this first CTP and we intend to change this behavior.  
Migrations is overly sensitive to column ordering and will re-build a table to insert a column in the correct order. We intend to make this behavior customizable.  
The custom scripts that migrations scaffolds are verbose and include a lot of additional SQL that is not required. We are working to tidy these up so that they only include the core commands.  
Migrations currently needs to run in full trust. This isn’t an issue when working inside of Visual Studio but if consuming the migrations assembly from custom code you may want to run in medium trust. We are looking at ways to support this in a later release.  
**This release is only available via NuGet.** As we support more scenarios such as team build and an ‘outside of Visual Studio’ command line experience we will also support more installation options.  
There is a known issue that may result in a “The project '<project name>' does not contain or reference any contexts.” error message. This issue occurs when your context is defined in a referenced project and NuGet's Package Manager Console (PMC) is initialized before your solution is loaded. If you encounter this behavior, close PMC and restart Visual Studio taking care not to reopen PMC until after your solution has loaded.  
The performance of migrations is not ideal in this preview and we are working to improve performance for upcoming releases.  
Previewing changes via the ‘–Script’ option only works after the schema has been upgraded at least once using migrations. If you haven’t used migrations on the database you will just get a create script for the entire database when using ‘-Script’.  
Downgrade is currently not supported. When generating custom scripts you will notice that the script is named ‘Up.sql’ but there is no corresponding ‘Down.sql’. We are planning to add downgrade functionality prior to RTM but it is not available in this release.

ADO.NET team blog

27.07.2011 - 22:43 Uhr

auf Codeplex gibt es ein nettes Projekt um Videos herunterzuladen.

Eventuell gibt dir das Hinweise zur richtigen Umsetzung.

26.07.2011 - 21:34 Uhr

nun gibt es die RTM:

I am happy to say that as of 10:00am PDT today, Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch 2011 is available! MSDN subscribers can download LightSwitch immediately and others can download the 90-day trial. General availability is on Thursday, July 28th.

Get Visual Studio LightSwitch 2011 (MSDN Subscribers). If you’re not a MSDN Subscriber, you can download a 90 day trial.  
Thursday’s 10:00am PDT general availability information can be found on the LightSwitch site.  

Visual Studio LightSwitch 2011 is a simplified, self-service development tool that enables you to create business applications quickly and easily for the desktop and cloud. I first announced LightSwitch at the VS Live conference in August 2010 and have since written a few posts including detailed tutorials. For those of you unfamiliar with it, it starts with the premise that most business applications consist of data and the screens that users interact with. LightSwitch simplifies attaching to data with data source wizards or creating data tables with table designers. It also includes screen templates for common tasks so you can create clean interfaces for your applications without being a designer. Basic applications can be written without a line of code. However, you can add custom code that is specific to your business problem without having to worry about setting up classes and methods.


Download (MSDN Abo):



25.07.2011 - 21:28 Uhr

EF 4.1 Update 1 Released

What’s in Update 1?

Update 1 includes a small set of changes including:

Bug fix to remove the need to specify ‘Persist Security Info=True’ in the connection string when using SQL authentication. In the EF 4.1 release ‘Persist Security Info’ was required for Code First to be able to create a database for a connection using SQL Authentication. The update includes a fix to remove this requirement. Note that ‘Persist Security Info’ is still required if you construct a DbContext using a DbConnection instance that has already been opened and closed.  
Introduction of new types to facilitate design-time tools for Code First. Update 1 introduces a set of types to make it easier for design time tools to interact with derived DbContexts:  
    DbContextInfo can be used to instantiate and interact with a derived context as well as determine information about the origin of the connection string etc..  
    IDbContextFactory<TContext> is used to let DbContextInfo know how to construct derived DbContext types that do not expose a default constructor. If your context does not expose a default constructor then an implementation if IDbContextFactory should be included in the same assembly as your derived context type.


20.07.2011 - 16:53 Uhr

das ist richtig:

Targeting frameworks 2.0, 3.0 or 3.5 using VS 2010 requires 3.5 Sp1 to be installed

Targeting earlier .NET frameworks 2.0, 3.0, 3.5 using Visual Studio 2010

20.07.2011 - 12:16 Uhr

gute Frage warum das Lesen des Wertes DisableShipAsserts so lange dauert.

Welches Wert hat er bei dir und welchen bei deinen Kollegen? Nutzt ihr alle das selbe Patch-Level bei Office 2007 (also Sp2 + alle Updates)?

Schau dir auch mal den Callstack des RegQueryValue Aufrufs an, eventuell funkt da eine Drittanbietersoftware dazwischen (z.B. ein Virenscanner)

19.07.2011 - 17:44 Uhr

dann lass mal den Process Monitor von Sysinternals mitlaufen und schau was so lange dauert.

19.07.2011 - 12:11 Uhr

Nun gibt es schon das erste Kumulative Update, dass die Kumulativen Updates 7,8 vom SQL Server 2008 R2 RTM beinhaltet, weil das Sp1 nur alle Updates bis zum Kumulativen Update 6 enthält.

Cumulative update package 1 for SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1

Geht auf "View and request hotfix downloads", tippt eure Email-Adresse 2 mal ein und bestätigt das Captcha und dann bekommt ihr den Fix per Mail.

17.07.2011 - 15:23 Uhr

ILSpy 1.0 Final

We let the Beta simmer for about one and a half months to see what bugs would come up, which were necessary to fix for 1.0, and which could be postponed for 2.0. After fixing issues dogeared for 1.0, we finally built the 1.0 RTW release today - and without any further ado, here is the download link to ILSpy 1.0:


ILSpy 1.0 Has Landed

15.07.2011 - 22:23 Uhr

achso. Dann kann er das Fremdanbieterprogramm mit der Aufgabenplanung ("mit erhöhten Rechten ausführen" muss im Task aktiviert werden) dazu überreden mit Adminrechten zu laufen. Der Aufruf geht dann über schtasks.exe /RUN /TN "taskname"

15.07.2011 - 13:29 Uhr

Einstellungen gehören seit über 10 Jahren nicht in den Programme Ordner rein. Dafür gibts die passenden Ordner im Benutzerprofil:


Dort kannst du auch die Addons hin-einpacken und laden.

Einen Wert kannst du auch als Benutzer aus der Registry lesen solange du das Rechte zum Lesen hast. Das ist bis auf einige Systemzweige immer möglich.

15.07.2011 - 12:15 Uhr

Naja da fast jede Aktion des Programms Adminrechte dann erfordern würde wäre das eher Sinnlos.

wie oft wird das denn ausgeführt? Wie oft ändert sich etwas im Programmordner und WARUM so oft?

15.07.2011 - 10:25 Uhr

dann erstelle ein Helpertool, dass die Addins installiert und fordere für dieses Programm Adminrechte an. So läuft dein Programm weiterhin mit Benutzerrechten.

14.07.2011 - 19:41 Uhr

Warum muss dein Programm nach C:\Programme schreiben?

14.07.2011 - 13:17 Uhr

Wie man das Sp1 in eine R2 DVD integriert wird hier beschrieben:

How to slipstream SQL Server 2008 R2 and a SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (SP1)

Somit ist das Sp1 gleich bei der Installation vom SQL Server installiert und man spart sich die nachträgliche Installation.

12.07.2011 - 19:13 Uhr

EF 4.1 Language Packs

A while back we announced the release of Entity Framework 4.1 (EF 4.1). Today we are making a series of language packs available that provide localized resources for EF 4.1.
What’s a Language Pack?

The language packs add a set of localized resources to an existing EF 4.1 install. Each language pack contains the following localized resources:

Intellisense files for DbContext and Code First API surface  
Once installed these are automatically picked up by Visual Studio based on your culture settings  
Satellite assembly containing localized exception messages  
Once installed the localized messages are picked up at runtime based on the culture of the executing application  
DbContext item templates for Model First & Database First  
Once installed these are automatically picked up by Visual Studio based on your culture settings  

What Languages?

Language packs are available in the following languages:

Chinese (Simplified)  
Chinese (Traditional)  

Installing Language Packs

You can install one or more language packs by downloading a
, the language packs require you to have EF 4.1 installed.

12.07.2011 - 16:08 Uhr

Microsoft hat am heutigen Tag das Sp1 für den SQL Server 2008 R2 veröffentlicht.

What's New in Service Pack 1

The following features are new in Service Pack 1 (SP1).

**Dynamic Management Views **for increased supportability. sys.dm_query_stats DMV is extended with additional columns to improve supportabilities over troubleshooting long-running queries. New DMVs and XEvents on select performance counters are introduced to monitor OS configurations and resource conditions related to the SQL Server instance.  

**ForceSeek for improved querying performance**. Syntax for FORCESEEK index hint has been modified to take optional parameters allowing it to control the access method on the index even further. Using old style syntax for FORCESEEK remains unmodified and works as before. In addition to that, a new query hint, FORCESCAN has been added. It complements the FORCESEEK hint allowing specifying ‘scan’ as the access method to the index. No changes to applications are necessary if you do not plan to use this new functionality.       

**Data-tier Application Component Framework (DAC Fx)** for improved database upgrades. The new Data-tier Application (DAC) Framework v1.1 and DAC upgrade wizard enable the new in-place upgrade service for database schema management. The new in-place upgrade service will upgrade the schema for an existing database in SQL Azure and the versions of SQL Server supported by DAC. A DAC is an entity that contains all of the database objects and instance objects used by an application. A DAC provides a single unit for authoring, deploying, and managing the data-tier objects. For more information, see Designing and Implementing Data-tier Applications.  

Disk space control in PowerPivot for SharePoint. This update introduces two new configuration settings that let you determine how long cached data stays in the system. In the new Disk Cache section on the PowerPivot configuration page, you can specify how long an inactive database remains in memory before it is unloaded. You can also limit how long a cached file is kept on disk before it is deleted.

Support for 512e Drives. SQL Server now correctly detects and supports hard drives with the new 512e format. These drives report 512 byte logical sector sizes, but they are formatted internally using 4KB sectors. When SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 is installed on Windows Server 2008 R2 or higher, we will correctly detect these drives and adjust automatically.  

Fixed various issues. This update fixes many SQL Server 2008 R2 issues that are
. It also includes some additional fixes that improve the product quality.


Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 - Deutsch

Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 - Englisch

Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 R2 SP1 - Express Edition - Deutsch

Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 R2 SP1 - Express Edition - Englisch

Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 R2 SP1 Feature Pack

05.07.2011 - 14:53 Uhr

schalte die Hardwarebeschleunigung in den VS2010 Optionen ab.

01.07.2011 - 12:57 Uhr

Nun hast du einen Grund eine VM mit dem englischen VS2010 + Debugger Canvas + Microsoft Entity Framework June 2011 CTP zu installieren, da die Deinstallation zu kompliziert ist.

30.06.2011 - 13:53 Uhr

MS erklärt nun die PerfWatson Erweiterung mit einem Video auf Channel9.

30.06.2011 - 12:03 Uhr

ReSharper 6 is Released!

We are extremely happy to announce the release of the new ReSharper: please download ReSharper 6 right now.

With this new release, we have gone way and beyond merely providing new features. We have added support for not one but three new languages: JavaScript, CSS and HTML, plus ASP.NET MVC 3 Razor view engine, making ReSharper 6 and Visual Studio one of the best environments today for developing web applications. In addition we also have implemented code analysis for Visual Basic .NET.

The features however aren’t limited to just new language support. Earlier in the year, we announced our new decompiler, which is built in to the core of ReSharper 6, providing integrated decompiling inside Visual Studio. Built on the philosophy of external sources, ReSharper 6 facilitates navigation of source code, whether it belongs to our solution, the .NET framework or any third party library. We also announced the availability of a new free standalone decompiler tool, which is currently in Early Access Program.

ReSharper 6 also provides a wealth of rich features for all language lovers. From new in-place refactorings, to enhancements in navigation and unit testing, new code transformations, code inspections for C#, improved XAML support, ReSharper 6 provides something for everyone.

Download Resharper 6

27.06.2011 - 21:06 Uhr

kannst du kein englisches VS installieren (eventuell in einer VM)?

24.06.2011 - 16:10 Uhr

ReSharper 6.0 Release Candidate

has arrived! Please download and try the RC build, especially if the following improvements fix issues that you’ve had with Beta 3 or earlier Beta builds:

**Additional memory consumption optimizations** in addition to those introduced in Beta 3.  
More performance fixes in ASP.NET MVC.  
Fixes ensuring that all options are persisted between sessions.  
Bug fixes and cosmetic improvements in unit test runner, specifically related to QUnit support.  
Proper support for .NET Micro Framework and Windows Azure Toolkit for WP7.  
**Fixes ensuring that ReSharper 6 successfully starts under Windows XP SP3 with Visual Studio 2010.**  

If any critical issues are still bothering you, this could be your last chance to report them and have them fixed before release!

ReSharper 6.0 Release Candidate

22.06.2011 - 14:39 Uhr

Wenn Windows 8 konsequent auf Kacheln setzen

das kann man per Gruppenrichtlinie abschalten, dann hat man per Default wieder den alten Desktop.

20.06.2011 - 23:43 Uhr

ReSharper 6.0 Beta 3

ReSharper 6 is going Beta 3 today:
as it should be much better than the earlier releases:

**Less memory consumption**: we’ve been removing memory leaks and exceptional memory traffic extensively this past week.  
No more never-ending process of scanning source files on solution load.  
**Improved performance in several scenarios**, including formatting JavaScript, typing in Razor views, and overall inspecting any kind of files.  
Fixes preventing crashes caused by solution-wide analysis in Visual Studio 2008.  
Fixes eliminating focus loss when undocking text editor tabs.  
Visual Studio’s native VB.NET highlighting can now be switched off in favor of ReSharper inspections.

ReSharper 6.0 Beta 3

16.06.2011 - 19:59 Uhr

Für die Webentwickler unter euch hat Microsoft ein Update für das Visual Studio 2010 Sp1 veröffentlicht:

In this first release of the update, we have focused on bringing the HTML5 support up-to-date, adding CSS 3 support and bring more new API’s to the JavaScript intellisense. The plan is to make a release about every 3 months to keep Visual Studio updated with the changes made by W3C.

Details gibt es hier:

Web Standards Update for Visual Studio 2010 SP1

Downloaden könnt ihr es hier:
Web Standards Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 SP1

Web Standards Update for Visual Studio 2010 SP1

16.06.2011 - 19:54 Uhr

ReSharper 6.0 Beta 2 is Out

Hot on the heels of the previous Beta and thanks to exceptional feedback from the community, we’re publishing an improved update: please download and try ReSharper 6.0 Beta 2. This new Beta release:

Prevents crashes in Visual Studio 2008 and 2010 related to solution-wide analysis  
Improves performance in large .cshtml (Razor) files, as well as performance of Find Usages and Go to Derived Symbols  
Fixes good-code-red when you have .NET Framework 4 installed but don’t have Visual Studio 2010 installed


ReSharper 6.0 Beta 2 is Out

15.06.2011 - 22:02 Uhr

dann frag im offiziellen Microsoft Forum nach. Nur so kann MSFT das Problem beheben.

14.06.2011 - 20:43 Uhr

die Erweiterung hat Probleme mit der Erweiterung ZoomSliderVSX, aber sonst scheint es zu klappen. Ich teste das mal die nächsten Tage ausführlicher.

14.06.2011 - 16:41 Uhr

Debugger Canvas is a new user experience for stepping through code in the debugger in Visual Studio Ultimate. It displays the code of each of the methods you step into on a canvas with call lines between them, helping you keep track of the bigger picture as well as the details.

Debugger Canvas pulls together all the code along a call path into a single display for browsing and even editing. Instead of having to keep all the code in your head while you look at one file tab at a time, now you can see the entire path on the canvas, enabling you to more easily track the flow of control and data through your application. Below, you can see an example where we have stepped into the execution of the Add Item function of a website shopping cart. The functionality requires the coordination of several methods, and the canvas lets you see them side by side so that you can more easily find and fix bugs.

Ein Einführungsvideo gibt es hier:
Introducing Debugger Canvas

Die Erweiterung funktioniert nur mit der VS 2010 Ultimate Edition, da nur diese Edition über die benutzen Funktionen verfügt.

DevLabs: Debugger Canvas

Debugger Canvas on DevLabs

Debugger Canvas Available for Download!

14.06.2011 - 16:33 Uhr

Die Final wurde veröffentlicht:

ReSharper 6.0 veröffentlicht

ReSharper 6.0 Beta Available

We are happy to announce the immediate availability of ReSharper 6.0 Beta, the latest version of our award-winning productivity tool. With this release we have introduced a ton of new features including (but not limited to):

JavaScript, CSS, and ASP.NET MVC 3 Razor support  
Bundled decompiler: home-grown technology that is now also available in dotPeek  
New navigation actions and valuable additions to existing navigation features  
Code inspections and quick-fixes for on-the-fly code quality control in VB.NET code  
Multiple new code inspections and quick-fixes for C#  
Color assistance (highlighting and color picker) in C#, VB.NET, XAML, and CSS  
In-place refactorings  
A pack of new context actions to manipulate strings  
JavaScript QUnit test runner support  
Bug fixes and new actions in XAML support  
ReSharper suggestions explained right from within quick-fix menus  
Performance Improvements in Solution Wide Analysis and other areas


ReSharper 6.0 Beta Available

11.06.2011 - 16:27 Uhr

läuft der Druckerwarteschlangendienst und ist ein Drucker eingerichtet?

10.06.2011 - 16:39 Uhr

Du meinst das Release Tag?

ja, ich will nur den trunk. Kannst du die Quellcodeverwaltung aufsplitten in trunk, tags, branches und dann wenn du eine Version fertig hast erstellst du einen Tag und keine RAR? SVN und große Dateien ist nicht wirklich schnell. TSVN kackt öfters mal ab und ich muss aufräumen und nochmals updaten.

09.06.2011 - 15:14 Uhr

ok, ich spiele nun etwas damit rum.

Eine Frage. Warum packst du die große RAR immer mit in die Quellcodeverwaltung?

07.06.2011 - 15:46 Uhr

ah, noch etwas. Wird es das Projekt auch als NuGet Paket geben?


installiere die 90 Tage Win7 x64 Trial, da kannst du es testen.

07.06.2011 - 15:43 Uhr

lass es per DOSBOX unter einem 64Bit Windows laufen. Sparst du dir viel Mühe.

04.06.2011 - 00:05 Uhr

Vista und Windows 7 sind um Längen sicherer, allein vom Quellcode (Stichpunkt SDL und Nutzung der _s Versionen der C++ Runtime Funktionen).

04.06.2011 - 00:03 Uhr

Ich erstelle gerade einen kleinen Guide bzw. kurze Übersicht zu dem Thema.
Release 0.9 (Beta) wird auch x64 Assemblies für alle .NET Versionen ab .NET 2.0 enthalten.

Danke 👍

03.06.2011 - 18:44 Uhr

danke das schaue ich mir mal an.

Wie sieht es mit 32/64Bit (AnyCPU) Kompatibilität aus? Was muss man da alles beachten?