
Sandcastle - December 2006 Community Technology Preview (CTP)

Erstellt von MagicAndre1981 vor 17 Jahren Letzter Beitrag vor 17 Jahren 6.354 Views
MagicAndre1981 Themenstarter:in
906 Beiträge seit 2005
vor 17 Jahren
Sandcastle - December 2006 Community Technology Preview (CTP)

Sandcastle - December 2006 Community Technology Preview (CTP)

Sandcastle produces accurate, MSDN style, comprehensive documentation by reflecting over the source assemblies and optionally integrating XML Documentation Comments. Sandcastle has the following key features:

Works with or without authored comments

Supports Generics and .NET Framework 2.0

Sandcastle has 2 main components (MrefBuilder and Build Assembler)

MrefBuilder generates reflection xml file for Build Assembler

Build Assembler includes syntax generation, transformation..etc

Sandcastle is used internally to build .Net Framework documentation

Version: 2.2.61208.0

What's new in this version:

  1. Sandcastle installer is now setting the DXROOT environment variable to the installation directory. All config files new has a DXROOT environment variable.
  2. MrefBuilder now Exclude (Ripping) Namespace, types and members. Exclude (Ripping) Namespace, types and members are configured through MrefBuilder.config. This issue was discussed at
  3. The following HTML tags will pass through unchanged just like all the other HTML tags:

<br/>, <hr/>, <h1></h1>, <h2></h2>, <h3></h3>, <h4></h4>, <h5></h5>, <h6></h6>, <pre></pre>, <div></div>, <span></span>, <blockquote></blockquote>, <abbr></abbr>, <acronym></acronym>.

  1. Support for separate member pages (similar to VS2005). In order to have separate member pages, you have to run a new transform ApplyVsDocModel.xsl instead of AddOverloads.xsl:

XslTransform /xsl:....\ProductionTransforms\ApplyVSDocModel.xsl /xsl:....\ProductionTransforms\AddGuidFilenames.xsl /out:reflection.xml

Separate pages will be created for members, methods, properties, events, fields and constructors.

  1. VS 2005 transforms support for FireFox.

Changes in this version:

  1. Updated Sandcastle.config files for Prototype and VS2005 to include DXROOT variable.  
  2. Added new transform ApplyVsDocModel.xsl to support induvidual member pages for VS2005 transforms.  

Issues fixed in this version:

  1. MrefBuilder internal+ switch not working. This was a regression in November CTP.

  2. The Presentation\Prototype\Scripts\StyleUtilities.js file causes pages to throw JavaScript errors when it tries to access a style sheet with an ms-help URL when the page is loaded via an http:// URL.

  3. There is an IE-specific reference to the event object that does not work in FireFox in the Presentation\VS2005\Scripts\script_manifold.js file.

  4. When using FriendlyFilenames explicit interface methods are not compiled in CHM file -

  5. The caption of my <seealso> tag does not appear

  6. When using the <c> tag, the text within it appears in a slightly different font

  7. When building for the VS2005 presentation style, it not longer displays the text indicating where an inherited member has been inherited from.

  8. The code in the <example> tag does not appear in a light blue color like it does when compiled for the prototype presentation style

  9. Bug: Root-chickenfeet item (namespaces) is no hyperlink anymore

  10. Sandcastle Feature request

  11. Bug in Prototype style's utilities_reference.xsl file. If you disable the C# language filter, it doesn't display the syntax for the first tab until you click on it.

  12. MSDN links does not point to a language other than the English site. Fixed the ResolveReferenceLinksComponent hard codes the language ("en-US") for the URLs.

  13. Bug in the processing of the <overloads> summary information.

  14. Unavle to build Wintellect (
    ) dlls (

  15. Given a generic base class with an overloaded method, MRefBuilder incorrectly lists the first member found for all overloads in the type's <elements> list. It does correctly generate an <api> entry for each method. However, because they aren't in the <elements> list, the other methods do not get documented. If the first method is internal or private, it shows up in the element list when it shouldn't and also hides the other public overloads. The problem does not occur if the "<T>" generic type is replaced with a non-generic type such as string.

  16. When specifying a <permission /> in doc, the set of required permissions renders in the end documentation in a table, but it doesn't have the same styling as other tables (like the exceptions table), making it inconsistent and sort of hard to read. Styles are missing for permissions section under prototype.

Issues not fixed in this version:

  1. CHM is missing state -

  2. Bug: Interihance Hierarchy VS2005 incorrect when using inner classes due to issue in BuildComponents.

  3. Both the Prototype and VS2005 styles aren't showing the "obsolete" messages for items with an ObsoleteAttribute.

  4. In the member lists, do not list all overloads; just list the member name with a jump to the topic containing the overload list (as done in MS-VS2005 documentation).

  5. In vs2005 transform, there are only classes, interfaces in TOC, no their members any more.


1.985 Beiträge seit 2004
vor 17 Jahren

Hallo zusammen,

hat schon mal jemand Sandcastle benutzt und hat Erfahrungsberichte darüber? Habe dazu nicht wirklich was gefunden.


"Eine wirklich gute Idee erkennt man daran, dass ihre Verwirklichung von vornherein ausgeschlossen erscheint." (Albert Einstein)

Gefangen im magischen Viereck zwischen studieren, schreiben, lehren und Ideen umsetzen…


709 Beiträge seit 2005
vor 17 Jahren

Hallo Fabian!

Schau mal auf Dort findest du Dokus, GUIs, etc.


MagicAndre1981 Themenstarter:in
906 Beiträge seit 2005
vor 17 Jahren


Sandcastle hat nDOC bei mir abgelöst. Mit dem Sandcastle Help File Builder geht das super

1.985 Beiträge seit 2004
vor 17 Jahren

Hallo zusammen,

danke für die Infos. Werd' ich mir mal anschauen.


"Eine wirklich gute Idee erkennt man daran, dass ihre Verwirklichung von vornherein ausgeschlossen erscheint." (Albert Einstein)

Gefangen im magischen Viereck zwischen studieren, schreiben, lehren und Ideen umsetzen…


2.891 Beiträge seit 2004
vor 17 Jahren


hab mir das auch mal angeguckt. Die Screenshots sehen schon toll aus...
Jedoch, ähm, das geht bei mir nicht... Nur damit ich es richtig verstanden habe: Das Dingens generiert mir direkt aus den Assemblies die Helpfiles (also man braucht keinen Code).
Hab mir mal die "SandcastleGUI" gezogen, die hat nur die Assemblies und sich selbst in den Zielordner kopiert 🤔. Also hab ich mir dann den Sandcastle Help File Builder runtergeladen. Sourcen kompilieren wollte er nicht, also direkt den MSI geladen. Aber da steht dann im Output nur nach "Tools suchen" "Objektverweis nicht gefunden". Mehr nicht. Stürzt auch nicht ab 👍

Kann mir mal jemand zumindest ein Beispiel-Output (das aus dem Logfenster) zeigen?

664 Beiträge seit 2005
vor 17 Jahren

Original von dN!3L
Kann mir mal jemand zumindest ein Beispiel-Output (das aus dem Logfenster) zeigen?

2.891 Beiträge seit 2004
vor 17 Jahren

Ah, danke. Werd mal nachschauen, woran es liegt...