
mathematische Klassenbibliothek

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1 Beiträge seit 2013
vor 10 Jahren
mathematische Klassenbibliothek


Eine kleine Bibliothek zur Bruch- und Vektorrechnung und zum rechnen mit komplexen Zahlen.
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namespace csMathLib
    /// <summary>
    /// This class calculates with fractions
    /// </summary>
    public class Fraction
        #region members
        private int Numerator;
        private uint Divisor;


        #region ctors

        public Fraction()
            this.Numerator = 1;
            this.Divisor = 1;
        public Fraction(double a)
           int counter = 0;
                a *= 10;
            } while (a % 1 > 0);
            Fraction Temp = new Fraction((int)a, (uint)(Math.Pow(10, counter)));
            this.Numerator = Temp.Numerator;
            this.Divisor = Temp.Divisor;
        public Fraction(int a)
            this.Numerator = a;
            this.Divisor = 1;

        public Fraction(int a, uint b)
            this.Numerator = a;
            this.Divisor = b;


        #region operators

        public static Fraction operator *(Fraction a, Fraction b)
            Fraction RETURN = new Fraction(a.Numerator * b.Numerator, a.Divisor * b.Divisor);
            return RETURN;

        public static Fraction operator +(Fraction a, Fraction b)
            Fraction RETURN = new Fraction(a.Numerator * (int)b.Divisor + b.Numerator * (int)a.Divisor, a.Divisor * b.Divisor);
            return RETURN;

        public static Fraction operator -(Fraction a, Fraction b)
            Fraction RETURN = new Fraction(a.Numerator * (int)b.Divisor - b.Numerator * (int)a.Divisor, a.Divisor * b.Divisor);
            return RETURN;

        public static Fraction operator /(Fraction a, Fraction b)
            Fraction RETURN = new Fraction(a.Numerator * (int)b.Divisor, a.Divisor * (uint)b.Numerator);
            return RETURN;

        public static bool operator >(Fraction a, Fraction b)
            return a.ToDouble() > b.ToDouble();

        public static bool operator >=(Fraction a, Fraction b)
            return a.ToDouble() >= b.ToDouble();

        public static bool operator ==(Fraction a, Fraction b)
            return a.ToDouble() == b.ToDouble();

        public static bool operator !=(Fraction a, Fraction b)
            return a.ToDouble() != b.ToDouble();

        public static bool operator <=(Fraction a, Fraction b)
            return a.ToDouble() <= b.ToDouble();

        public static bool operator <(Fraction a, Fraction b)
            return a.ToDouble() < b.ToDouble();


        #region public functions

        public double ToDouble()
            return this.Numerator / this.Divisor;

        public void Reduce()
            int GGT = ggT(this.Numerator, (int)this.Divisor);
            this.Numerator = this.Numerator / GGT;
            this.Divisor = this.Divisor / (uint)GGT;

        public string PrintFraction(char seperator)
            return this.Numerator.ToString() + seperator.ToString() + this.Divisor.ToString();

        public override bool Equals(object o)
            return true;

        public override int GetHashCode()
            return 0;


        #region private functions

        private int ggT(int a, int b)
            if (b == 0)
                return a;
                return ggT(b, a % b);


namespace csMathLib
    /// <summary>
    /// This class calculates with 3 dimensional vectors
    /// </summary>
    public class Vector3d
        #region Members

        public bool ShowAsFraction { get; set; }
        private double d_x;
        private double d_y;
        private double d_z;

        private Fraction f_x;
        private Fraction f_y;
        private Fraction f_z;


        #region ctors

        public Vector3d()
            d_x = 0;
            d_y = 0;
            d_z = 0;
            f_x = new Fraction();
            f_y = new Fraction();
            f_z = new Fraction();

        public Vector3d(double x, double y, double z, bool asFraction)
            this.d_x = x;
            this.d_y = y;
            this.d_z = z;
            this.f_x = new Fraction(x);
            this.f_y = new Fraction(y);
            this.f_z = new Fraction(z);
            this.ShowAsFraction = asFraction;

        public Vector3d(double x, double y, Fraction z, bool asFraction)
            this.d_x = x;
            this.d_y = y;
            this.d_z = z.ToDouble();
            this.f_x = new Fraction(x);
            this.f_y = new Fraction(y);
            this.f_z = z;
            this.ShowAsFraction = asFraction;

        public Vector3d(double x, Fraction y, double z, bool asFraction)
            this.d_x = x;
            this.d_y = y.ToDouble();
            this.d_z = z;
            this.f_x = new Fraction(x);
            this.f_y = y;
            this.f_z = new Fraction(z);
            this.ShowAsFraction = asFraction;

        public Vector3d(double x, Fraction y, Fraction z, bool asFraction)
            this.d_x = x;
            this.d_y = y.ToDouble();
            this.d_z = z.ToDouble();
            this.f_x = new Fraction(x);
            this.f_y = y;
            this.f_z = z;
            this.ShowAsFraction = asFraction;

        public Vector3d(Fraction x, double y, double z, bool asFraction)
            this.d_x = x.ToDouble();
            this.d_y = y;
            this.d_z = z;
            this.f_x = x;
            this.f_y = new Fraction(y);
            this.f_z = new Fraction(z);
            this.ShowAsFraction = asFraction;

        public Vector3d(Fraction x, double y, Fraction z, bool asFraction)
            this.d_x = x.ToDouble();
            this.d_y = y;
            this.d_z = z.ToDouble();
            this.f_x = x;
            this.f_y = new Fraction(y);
            this.f_z = z;
            this.ShowAsFraction = asFraction;

        public Vector3d(Fraction x, Fraction y, double z, bool asFraction)
            this.d_x = x.ToDouble();
            this.d_y = y.ToDouble();
            this.d_z = z;
            this.f_x = x;
            this.f_y = y;
            this.f_z = new Fraction(z);
            this.ShowAsFraction = asFraction;

        public Vector3d(Fraction x, Fraction y, Fraction z, bool asFraction)
            this.d_x = x.ToDouble();
            this.d_y = y.ToDouble();
            this.d_z = z.ToDouble();
            this.f_x = x;
            this.f_y = y;
            this.f_z = z;
            this.ShowAsFraction = asFraction;


        #region setValues

        public void setValues(double x, double y, double z, bool asFraction)
            this.d_x = x;
            this.d_y = y;
            this.d_z = z;
            this.f_x = new Fraction(x);
            this.f_y = new Fraction(y);
            this.f_z = new Fraction(z);
            this.ShowAsFraction = asFraction;

        public void setValues(double x, double y, Fraction z, bool asFraction)
            this.d_x = x;
            this.d_y = y;
            this.d_z = z.ToDouble();
            this.f_x = new Fraction(x);
            this.f_y = new Fraction(y);
            this.f_z = z;
            this.ShowAsFraction = asFraction;

        public void setValues(double x, Fraction y, double z, bool asFraction)
            this.d_x = x;
            this.d_y = y.ToDouble();
            this.d_z = z;
            this.f_x = new Fraction(x);
            this.f_y = y;
            this.f_z = new Fraction(z);
            this.ShowAsFraction = asFraction;
        public void setValues(Fraction x, double y, double z, bool asFraction)
            this.d_x = x.ToDouble();
            this.d_y = y;
            this.d_z = z;
            this.f_x = x;
            this.f_y = new Fraction(y);
            this.f_z = new Fraction(z);
            this.ShowAsFraction = asFraction;
        public void setValues(double x, Fraction y, Fraction z, bool asFraction)
            this.d_x = x;
            this.d_y = y.ToDouble();
            this.d_z = z.ToDouble();
            this.f_x = new Fraction(x);
            this.f_y = y;
            this.f_z = z;
            this.ShowAsFraction = asFraction;

        public void setValues(Fraction x, double y, Fraction z, bool asFraction)
            this.d_x = x.ToDouble();
            this.d_y = y;
            this.d_z = z.ToDouble();
            this.f_x = x;
            this.f_y = new Fraction(y);
            this.f_z = z;
            this.ShowAsFraction = asFraction;

        public void setValues(Fraction x, Fraction y, double z, bool asFraction)
            this.d_x = x.ToDouble();
            this.d_y = y.ToDouble();
            this.d_z = z;
            this.f_x = x;
            this.f_y = y;
            this.f_z = new Fraction(z);
            this.ShowAsFraction = asFraction;

        public void setValues(Fraction x, Fraction y, Fraction z, bool asFraction)
            this.d_x = x.ToDouble();
            this.d_y = y.ToDouble();
            this.d_z = z.ToDouble();
            this.f_x = x;
            this.f_y = y;
            this.f_z = z;
            this.ShowAsFraction = asFraction;


        #region operators

        public static Vector3d operator +(Vector3d a, Vector3d b)
            Vector3d c = new Vector3d(a.f_x + b.f_x, a.f_y + b.f_y, a.f_z + b.f_z, a.ShowAsFraction);
            return c;

        public static Vector3d operator -(Vector3d a, Vector3d b)
            Vector3d c = new Vector3d(a.f_x - b.f_x, a.f_y - b.f_y, a.f_z - b.f_z, a.ShowAsFraction);
            return c;

        public static Vector3d operator *(Vector3d a, double b)
            Vector3d c = new Vector3d(a.d_x * b, a.d_y * b, a.d_z * b, a.ShowAsFraction);
            return c;

        public static Vector3d operator *(Vector3d a, Fraction b)
            return new Vector3d(a.f_x * b, a.f_y * b, a.f_z * b, a.ShowAsFraction);

        public static double operator *(Vector3d a, Vector3d b)
            return a.d_x * b.d_x + a.d_y * b.d_y + a.d_z * b.d_z;

        public static bool operator >(Vector3d a, Vector3d b)
            return a.getLength() > b.getLength();

        public static bool operator >=(Vector3d a, Vector3d b)
            return a.getLength() >= b.getLength();
        public static bool operator ==(Vector3d a, Vector3d b)
            return a.getLength() == b.getLength();
        public static bool operator !=(Vector3d a, Vector3d b)
            return a.getLength() != b.getLength();
        public static bool operator <=(Vector3d a, Vector3d b)
            return a.getLength() <= b.getLength();
        public static bool operator <(Vector3d a, Vector3d b)
            return a.getLength() < b.getLength();

        public Vector3d Cross(Vector3d b)
            Vector3d c = new Vector3d(this.f_y * b.f_z - this.f_z * b.f_y, this.f_z * b.f_x - this.f_x * b.f_z, this.f_x * b.f_z - this.f_z * b.f_x, this.ShowAsFraction);
            return c;
        /// <summary>
        /// this function is a combination of a dot and a cross multiplication of three vectors. only two other vectors need to be provided. the third one is the current vector
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="b"></param>
        /// <param name="c"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public double Spade(Vector3d b, Vector3d c)
            return this.Cross(b) * c;


        #region public functions
        /// <summary>
        /// This function returns the length of the current vector
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public double getLength()
            return Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(this.d_x, 2) + Math.Pow(this.d_y, 2) + Math.Pow(this.d_z, 2));
        /// <summary>
        /// This function returns the angle between the current vector and another vector
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public double Angle(Vector3d a)
            return (180 / Math.PI) * Math.Acos(this.getLength() * a.getLength());

        public override bool Equals(object o)
            return true;

        public override int GetHashCode()
            return 0;

        public string PrintVector3d(char seperator)
            if (this.ShowAsFraction)
                return "(" + this.f_x.PrintFraction(seperator) + ")" + seperator.ToString() + "(" + this.f_y.PrintFraction(seperator) + ")" + seperator.ToString() + "(" + this.f_z.PrintFraction(seperator) + ")";
                return this.d_x.ToString() + seperator.ToString() + this.d_y.ToString() + seperator.ToString() + this.d_z.ToString();


namespace csMathLib
    /// <summary>
    /// This class calculates with 2 dimensional vectors
    /// </summary>
    public class Vector2d
        #region members

        public bool ShowAsFraction { get; set; }

        private double d_x;
        private double d_y;
        private Fraction f_x;
        private Fraction f_y;


        #region ctors

        public Vector2d()
            this.d_x = 0;
            this.d_y = 0;
            this.f_x = new Fraction();
            this.f_y = new Fraction();

        public Vector2d(double x, double y, bool asFraction)
            this.d_x = x;
            this.d_y = y;
            this.f_x = new Fraction(x);
            this.f_y = new Fraction(y);
            this.ShowAsFraction = asFraction;

        public Vector2d(double x, Fraction y, bool asFraction)
            this.d_x = x;
            this.d_y = y.ToDouble();
            this.f_x = new Fraction(x);
            this.f_y = y;
            this.ShowAsFraction = asFraction;

        public Vector2d(Fraction x, double y, bool asFraction)
            this.d_x = x.ToDouble();
            this.d_y = y;
            this.f_x = x;
            this.f_y = new Fraction(y);
            this.ShowAsFraction = asFraction;

        public Vector2d(Fraction x, Fraction y, bool asFraction)
            this.d_x = x.ToDouble();
            this.d_y = y.ToDouble();
            this.f_x = x;
            this.f_y = y;
            this.ShowAsFraction = asFraction;


        #region SetValues

        public void setValues(double x, double y, bool asFraction)
            this.d_x = x;
            this.d_y = y;
            this.f_x = new Fraction(x);
            this.f_y = new Fraction(y);
            this.ShowAsFraction = asFraction;

        public void setValues(double x, Fraction y, bool asFraction)
            this.d_x = x;
            this.d_y = y.ToDouble();
            this.f_x = new Fraction(x);
            this.f_y = y;
            this.ShowAsFraction = asFraction;
        public void setValues(Fraction x, double y, bool asFraction)
            this.d_x = x.ToDouble();
            this.d_y = y;
            this.f_x = x;
            this.f_y = new Fraction(y);
            this.ShowAsFraction = asFraction;
        public void setValues(Fraction x, Fraction y, bool asFraction)
            this.d_x = x.ToDouble();
            this.d_y = y.ToDouble();
            this.f_x = x;
            this.f_y = y;
            this.ShowAsFraction = asFraction;


        #region operators

        public static Vector2d operator +(Vector2d a, Vector2d b)
            return new Vector2d(a.f_x + b.f_x, a.f_y + b.f_y, a.ShowAsFraction);

        public static Vector2d operator -(Vector2d a, Vector2d b)
            return new Vector2d(a.f_x - b.f_x, a.f_y - b.f_y, a.ShowAsFraction);

        public static Vector2d operator *(Vector2d a, double b)
            Fraction f_b = new Fraction(b);
            return new Vector2d(a.f_x * f_b, a.f_y * f_b, a.ShowAsFraction);

        public static bool operator >(Vector2d a, Vector2d b)
            return a.getLength() > b.getLength();

        public static bool operator >=(Vector2d a, Vector2d b)
            return a.getLength() >= b.getLength();

        public static bool operator ==(Vector2d a, Vector2d b)
            return a.getLength() == b.getLength();

        public static bool operator !=(Vector2d a, Vector2d b)
            return a.getLength() != b.getLength();

        public static bool operator <=(Vector2d a, Vector2d b)
            return a.getLength() <= b.getLength();

        public static bool operator <(Vector2d a, Vector2d b)
            return a.getLength() < b.getLength();


        #region public functions

        public override bool Equals(object o)
            return true;

        public override int GetHashCode()
            return 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// This function returns the length of the current vector
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        double getLength()
            return Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(this.d_x, 2) + Math.Pow(this.d_y, 2));

        /// <summary>
        /// This function returns the angle between the current vector and another vector
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public double Angle(Vector2d a)
            return (180 / Math.PI) * Math.Acos(this.getLength() * a.getLength());


namespace csMathLib
    /// <summary>
    /// This class calculates with complex numbers
    /// </summary>
    public class Complex
        #region Members

        public bool ShowAllAsFraction
                return ShowAllAsFraction;
                ShowAllAsFraction = value;

        private double d_Real = 0;
        private double d_Imaginary = 0;

        private Fraction F_Real;
        private Fraction F_Imaginary;


        #region ctors

        public Complex()
            ShowAllAsFraction = false;
            d_Real = 0;
            d_Imaginary = 0;
            F_Real = new Fraction();
            F_Imaginary = new Fraction();

        public Complex(double a, double b, bool ShowFraction)
            this.F_Real = new Fraction(a);
            this.F_Imaginary = new Fraction(b);
            this.d_Real = a;
            this.d_Imaginary = b;
            this.ShowAllAsFraction = ShowFraction;

        public Complex(double a, Fraction b, bool ShowFraction)
            this.F_Real = new Fraction(a);
            this.F_Imaginary = b;
            this.d_Real = a;
            this.d_Imaginary = b.ToDouble();
            this.ShowAllAsFraction = ShowFraction;

        public Complex(Fraction a, double b, bool ShowFraction)
            this.F_Real = a;
            this.F_Imaginary = new Fraction(b);
            this.d_Real = a.ToDouble();
            this.d_Imaginary = b;
            this.ShowAllAsFraction = ShowFraction;

        public Complex(Fraction a, Fraction b, bool ShowFraction)
            this.F_Real = a;
            this.F_Imaginary = b;
            this.d_Real = a.ToDouble();
            this.d_Imaginary = b.ToDouble();
            this.ShowAllAsFraction = ShowFraction;


        #region setValues

        public void setValues(double a, double b, bool toFraction)
            this.F_Real = new Fraction(a);
            this.F_Imaginary = new Fraction(b);
            this.d_Real = a;
            this.d_Imaginary = b;
            this.ShowAllAsFraction = toFraction;

        public void setValue(double a, Fraction b, bool toFraction)
            this.F_Real = new Fraction(a);
            this.d_Real = a;
            this.d_Imaginary = b.ToDouble();
            this.F_Imaginary = b;
            this.ShowAllAsFraction = toFraction;

        public void setValue(Fraction a, double b, bool toFraction)
            this.d_Real = 0;
            this.F_Real = a;
            this.F_Imaginary = new Fraction(b);
            this.d_Imaginary = b;
            this.ShowAllAsFraction = toFraction;

        public void setValue(Fraction a, Fraction b, bool toFraction)
            this.d_Real = a.ToDouble();
            this.d_Imaginary = b.ToDouble();
            this.F_Real = a;
            this.F_Imaginary = b;
            this.ShowAllAsFraction = toFraction;


        #region public functions

        public override bool Equals(object o)
            return true;

        public override int GetHashCode()
            return 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// This function returns a double value representing the length of a vector in a complex number space
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public double Getlength()
            if (ShowAllAsFraction)
                return Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(this.F_Real.ToDouble(), 2) + Math.Pow(this.F_Imaginary.ToDouble(), 2));
                return Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(this.d_Real, 2) + Math.Pow(this.d_Imaginary, 2));

        public string PrintComplex(char Seperator)
            if (this.ShowAllAsFraction)
                return this.F_Real.PrintFraction(Seperator) + " " + this.F_Imaginary.PrintFraction(Seperator) + " i";
                return this.d_Real.ToString() + this.d_Imaginary.ToString() + " i";


        #region operators

        public static bool operator <(Complex a, Complex b)
            return a.Getlength() < b.Getlength();

        public static bool operator <=(Complex a, Complex b)
            return a.Getlength() <= b.Getlength();

        public static bool operator ==(Complex a, Complex b)
            return a.Getlength() == b.Getlength();

        public static bool operator !=(Complex a, Complex b)
            return a.Getlength() != b.Getlength();

        public static bool operator >=(Complex a, Complex b)
            return a.Getlength() >= b.Getlength();

        public static bool operator >(Complex a, Complex b)
            return a.Getlength() > b.Getlength();

        public static Complex operator +(Complex a, Complex b)
             return new Complex(a.F_Real + b.F_Real, a.F_Imaginary + b.F_Imaginary, a.ShowAllAsFraction);

        public static Complex operator -(Complex a, Complex b)
                return new Complex(a.F_Real - b.F_Real, a.F_Imaginary - b.F_Imaginary, a.ShowAllAsFraction);

        public static Complex operator *(Complex a, Complex b)
                return new Complex(a.F_Real * b.F_Real - a.F_Imaginary * b.F_Imaginary, a.F_Real * b.F_Imaginary + a.F_Imaginary * b.F_Real, a.ShowAllAsFraction);

        public static Complex operator /(Complex a, Complex b)
            return new Complex((a.F_Real * b.F_Real + a.F_Imaginary * b.F_Imaginary) / (b.F_Real * b.F_Real + b.F_Imaginary * b.F_Imaginary), (a.F_Real * b.F_Imaginary - a.F_Imaginary * b.F_Real) / (b.F_Real * b.F_Real + b.F_Imaginary * b.F_Imaginary), a.ShowAllAsFraction);

Schlagwörter: Klassenbibliothek, Mathematik

1 Beiträge seit 2013
vor 10 Jahren


..deine Klassen,,, Ich finde diese recht gut implementierbar, auch wenn es das ein oder andere Problemchen damit gibt.

Hier fehlt dir z.B. der private member:

[B]private bool _ShowAllAsFraction;[/B]
  public bool ShowAllAsFraction
        return _ShowAllAsFraction;
        _ShowAllAsFraction = value;

..dann würde ich noch anregen, bei einer mathematischen Klasse wie der Complex-Klasse auch die Eulerform und z.B. das Konjugieren zu implementieren.. wie z.B.:

        public Complex Conjugate()
            return new Complex(this.d_Real,- this.d_Imaginary, false);

        public Trigonometrical ToTrigonometrical()
            Trigonometrical retVal = new Trigonometrical();

            if (Math.Sqrt(this.d_Real * this.d_Real + this.d_Imaginary * this.d_Imaginary) == 0)
                retVal = new Trigonometrical(0, 0);
                double r = Math.Sqrt(this.d_Real * this.d_Real + this.d_Imaginary * this.d_Imaginary),

                if (d_Imaginary >= 0)
                    phi = Math.Acos(this.d_Real / r);
                    phi = Math.Acos(-this.d_Real / r) - Math.PI;

                retVal = new Trigonometrical(r, phi);

            return retVal;
        public class Trigonometrical
            public double R, Phi;

            public Complex ToComplex()
                return (new Complex(R * Math.Cos(Phi),
                                    R * Math.Sin(Phi),

            public Trigonometrical()
                R = 0;
                Phi = 0;

            public Trigonometrical(double r, double phi)
                R = r;
                Phi = phi;

...denn kann kann man recht einfach zwischen der karthesichen Form und der polaren Form hin und her switchen 😄...z.B.:

            Complex c1 = new Complex(1, 2, false),
                    c2 = new Complex(1, 3, false);

            Complex c3 = c1 + c2.Conjugate();
            Complex.Trigonometrical a = c3.ToTrigonometrical();

            Complex c4 = a.ToComplex();